I have finally started working on my grimoire. I took an old book with religious, medieval poetry and imagery and I'm repurposing it. The perfectionist in me was just not able to use a blank journal. Plus, this book reached out to me (I literally bumped into it and knocked it off the shelf) and I knew I needed to use it.
So far, I have finished my front and back cover, my inner cover pages, and my Beltane page with my prayer to Freya. The group of witches that I meet up with almost weekly have started working on their grimoires as well, so its a nice meeting of witches participating in their own path-making but also collectively pouring our energies into what we are doing. Its been very theraputic for me, both emotionally and physically, and I know it has for the others. We share our ideas for our grimoires, our supplies, and our emotions with each other in a safe space.
I have a list of things I want to include in my grimoire that I will share here:
- Book blessing page, as well as a "divert your eyes" curse for those who do not have permission to take or look at my grimoire.
- Depression Sigil w/ text & Anxiety Sigil w/text page.
- Moon Window page (will include all phases of the moon as well as correspondences for those phases.
- Full Moon calendar page.
- Daily Correspondences.
- Goddesses Pages.
- Nine Noble Truths.
- Altar Page.
- Runes.
- Pet/Familiar Protection Pages for Smaug and Eriana.
- Sex Magick Pages.
- Handfast Page w/ blood ritual.
- Tea Recipes page.
- Incense pages.
- Calming spell.
- Organization spell.
- Motivational page.
- Calling the Corners.
- Candle Magic.
- Tarot information pages w/pocket for tarot spreads.
- Wheel of the Year page.
- Sabbaths pages (Starting with Imbolc and ending with Yule).
These are my current ideas but they will change and expand as I continue working. I'm not artsy, and typically I don't ever feel like I'm good at something (hobby-wise) but for me, this has been something I've been pouring my heart into as I slowly work and research.
Got a grimoire? Book of Shadows? Book of Intentions? Want to share it? Feel free to comment below!
As always, blessed be with love and light;
~ The Nerdy Witch.