Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Bat Tarot Spread // Break Your Illusions.

A spread to break you of illusion, and to show you the truth of the matter.
  1. Who Am I Right Now?
  2. What Do I Want to Be?
  3. Where Am I Excelling?
  4. Where Do I Need Work?
  5. In What Ways Am I Fooling Myself?
  6. In What Ways Are Others Fooling Me?
  7. What Is Barring Me From Success?

  1. Seven of Pentacles / Elk - waiting card; moving forward, fake it until you make it.
  2. Three of Wands / Woodpecker - opportunity; newly open doors; stop, center, and focus.
  3. Nine of Wands / Ram - inner strength; endurance, scarred but successful.
  4. Four of Swords / Zombie Toad - waiting for the right moment; rest, retreat, conserve energy.
  5. Knight of Pentacles / Prairie Dog - secure boundaries; learn before moving forward, safety, security.
  6. Six of Wands / Bee - victory; accept praise, motivation and inspiration.
  7. The Empress / Cow - feminine; love and life, bountiful possibilities, growth in the spiritual and physical form.
So, breaking these down individually:
Who am I right now?
I am very much like the young elk. As of right now, I am not only an intellectual student but I am also a spiritual student. I have the basic knowledge of both realms, however, I am a master of none. With this being true, I still find those around me asking for my input in both subjects and I find myself confident in my knowledge to assist; I may fake it until I make it very well.

What do I want to be?
I find it incredibly interesting that I've gotten this card twice today: it was my card of the day as well as my second card in this reading. I believe my cards and whatever spiritual pantheon that is reaching out to me is trying to tell me there are doors open for me and I just need to find them. I believe this card relates to first very obviously; with my new-found experience, new adventures are awaiting me.

Where am I excelling?
As an Aries, this card always speaks volumes about me. I am a fighter, a survivor, and can be very successful and prideful. I am excelling in my endurance, in my strength, and in my refusal to give up no matter the obstacle in my way. I have been needing the strength of the Ram lately, because of some health issues that have me worried beyond everything else. The Ram is telling me I will endure, because I have endured so much more.

Where do I need work?
I find this interesting because the Zombie Toad is always sleeping and resting, preserving its energy for the right moment. I feel like I am always sleeping and resting, but never restful. Perhaps I need to work on how much energy I am exerting into the day and into the things that shouldn't require the energy I'm putting forth. Perhaps I'm putting my energy into people who don't deserve it.

In what ways am I fooling myself?
I do feel secure and safe, especially when I am home with my fiance. However, I do have an issue with learning everything I can before I move forward in my life. I am always charging forward (like the Ram) to continue on with my life, and then picking up or dealing with what I left behind later - usually when its forcing itself to be confronted. I've been thinking about my sexual abuse a lot lately, and about the lack of healing and self-love I never gave myself. Perhaps this is what the Knight of Pentacles believes I am fooling myself with; that I am past it all and healed.

In what ways are others fooling me?
The main thing that stuck out to me was "victory" whenever I read this card, and seeing its place in the spread makes a lot of sense. I always find myself, especially with school, competing with the success of others. I feel so behind in my progress because others in my classes are farther than me, however, they struggle to know what they desire to be or if they are on the right path whereas I feel strongly connected with my path. Maybe I'm being fooled by the false success in others, and should focus on my own achievements for they are mine and many.

What is barring me from success?
I think its very obvious what is barring me from my success: my resistance to my own growth. Whenever I feel myself becoming better or growing in what I desire, I always find a reason to shut myself down or keep myself from being proud of my growth. I always hide away my successes and play them off as insignificant when they are everything but not. I need to allow myself to love myself.
Overall, I really enjoyed this spread. It was very easy to navigate and very easy to read. If you try this spread, please share your results! Tomorrow, I'll be posting my Card of the Day as well as my Power Card of the Day.
Follow me on:
Twitter: nerdyxdolly
Tumblr: moonofdivination
Instagram: nerdydolly

Also, please follow my tarot teacher on here. She's wonderful and very experienced in tarot readings.
*if curious, the tarot deck that I used was the Animal Totem Tarot deck by Leeza Robertson with illustrations by Eugene Smith.*

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, I like this layout. Definitely going to try this one tonight.
