Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Latin phrases to use as incantations.

These are some Latin phrases that can be used in incantations or in scripture for your Grimoire/Book of Shadows. Of course there are many more languages that can be used, but I am definitely drawn more to older languages.

ab intra - from within
ab origine - from the source
absit iniuria “let insult be absent”
absit invidia - “let envy be absent”
absit omen - “let omens be absent”
ab uno disce omnes - from one, learn all.
abyssus abyssum invocat - deep calleth unto deep
a capite ad calcem - from head to heel
acta non verba - actions not words
ad altiora tendo - “I strive to higher things”
ad astra - to the stars
ad fontes - to the sources
ad meliora - towards better things
ad oculos - to the eyes
ad undas - to the waves
ad victoriam - to victory
adsum - I am here
a fortiori - from the stronger/from strength
a mari usque ad mare - from sea to sea
audeamus - let us dare
audentes fortuna iuvat - fortune favors the bold
audi, vide, tace - hear, see, be silent
beatae memoriae - of blessed memory
bona fide - in good faith
bono malum superate - overcome evil with good
capax infiniti - holding the infinite
carpe diem - seize the day
carpe noctem - seize the night
cave - beware
ceteris paribus - all other things being equal
circa - around
citius, altius, fortius - faster, higher, stronger
clavis aurea - golden key
cogito ergo sum - I think, therefor I am
compos mentis - in control of the mind
concilio et labore - by wisdom and effort
concordia cum veritate - in harmony with truth
concordia salus - well-being through harmony
coniunctis viribus - with connected strength
consummatum est - it is complete
corruptus in extremis - corrupt to the extreme
crescit eundo - it grows as it goes
de novo - from the new
de profundis - from the depths
dies irae - day of wrath
dona nobis pacem - give us peace
ego te provoco - I challenge you
esse est percipi - to be is to be perceived  
esse quam videri - to be, rather than to seem
esto quod es - be what you are
ex animo - from the soul
ex luna scientia - from the moon, knowledge
ex scientia tridens - from knowledge, sea power
ex silentio - from silence
ex undis - from the waves of the sea
experientia docet - experience teaches
fac et spera - do and hope
fac fortia et patere - do brave deed and endure
faciam quodlibet quod necesse est - I’ll do whatever it takes
faciam ut mei memineris - I’ll make you remember me
facta, non verba - deeds, not words
fortis et liber - strong and free
fortis in arduis - strong in difficulties
gloriosus et liber - glorious and free
hic abundant leones - here lions abound
hic et nunc - here and now
hic sunt dracones - here there are dragons
hinc illae lacrimae - hence those tears
hinc itur ad astra - from here the way leads to the stars
igni ferroque - with fire and iron
in memoriam - into the memory
in nocte consilium - advice comes over night
libra - balance
littera scripta manet - the written words endure
locus standi - a right to stand
luceo non uro - I shine, not burn
luctor et emergo - I struggle and emerge
mare liberum - free sea
memento vivere - remember to live
more ferarum - like beasts
natura non contristatur - nature is not saddened
nec spe, nec metu - without hope, without fear
noli me tangeredo not touch me
ophidia in herba - a snake in the grass
pro se - for oneself
propria manu - by one’s own hand
quaere - to seek
quod abundat non obstat - what is abundant does not hinder
resurgam - I shall arise
semper ad meliora - always towards better things
semper anticus - always forward
semper apertus - always open
semper fortis - always brave
semper liber - always free
stet - let it stand
tuebor - I will protect
vera causa - true cause

Friday, September 21, 2018

Mabon Spell for Healing and Moving Forward

Date to Perform: September 21st to September 29th.
Setting: Evening, preferably sunset. Outside would be better, but in front of your altar is fine.
Supplies: Lighter, small bowl or burning dish or cauldron, three leaves - preferably older leaves that are dry (Walnut or Oak even better), three strips of paper, a pen or pencil, a sage incense stick with a frankincense incense stick.

Please have a cup of water on standby when burning anything.
When reciting anything, aloud or silently is fine.

Set your bowl/burning dish/cauldron down on a stable surface. Place all three leaves in the bowl. Light the incense sticks; one on the left and one of the right sides of the bowl.

On the three strips of paper write:
1 - something you have from the past that you want to be free from.
2 - something you are currently hurting from.
3 - something you want to have peace with.

Once done writing, take the first strip of paper and the lighter. Start burning the strip of paper and place the burning paper into the bowl while reciting these words:
I set free the pain of the past so that I may create for myself a better future.

Take the second strip of paper, light it with the lighter, place the burning paper into the bowl, and recite these words:
I burn away what hurts me. I let the past fall away like the Autumn leaves.

Take the final strip of paper, light it with the lighter, and place the burning paper into the bowl while reciting these words:
I allow myself to have peace as the Fall begins and rolls into Winter.

As the strips burn and light the leaves on fire with them, allow them to turn to ash. Once the fire is out, scoop the ash into your hands and recite these words as you let the ash fall slowly from your hands to the earth beneath your feet (or back into the bowl to later be poured outside if inside):
May the Gods and Goddesses (or your preferred deity) watch over me as I move forward.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Many changes.

Hello all, and merry meet.

I haven't posted in over a year, and I apologize for those who wanted to follow this blog regularly. I have made many changes in my life, and I am still a work in progress.

- I moved to a new city after leaving my partner.
- I have fallen in love with a new partner.
- I am still going to school.
- Smaug and Eriana are gone.
- I strayed away from my Pagan path.

But I am back.. my Grimoire is no longer around.. but I will be starting fresh again.

Friday, May 12, 2017

The Beginnings of a Grimoire

I have finally started working on my grimoire. I took an old book with religious, medieval poetry and imagery and I'm repurposing it. The perfectionist in me was just not able to use a blank journal. Plus, this book reached out to me (I literally bumped into it and knocked it off the shelf) and I knew I needed to use it.
So far, I have finished my front and back cover, my inner cover pages, and my Beltane page with my prayer to Freya. The group of witches that I meet up with almost weekly have started working on their grimoires as well, so its a nice meeting of witches participating in their own path-making but also collectively pouring our energies into what we are doing. Its been very theraputic for me, both emotionally and physically, and I know it has for the others. We share our ideas for our grimoires, our supplies, and our emotions with each other in a safe space.
I have a list of things I want to include in my grimoire that I will share here:
  • Book blessing page, as well as a "divert your eyes" curse for those who do not have permission to take or look at my grimoire.
  • Depression Sigil w/ text & Anxiety Sigil w/text page.
  • Moon Window page (will include all phases of the moon as well as correspondences for those phases.
  • Full Moon calendar page.
  • Daily Correspondences.
  • Goddesses Pages.
  • Nine Noble Truths.
  • Altar Page.
  • Runes.
  • Pet/Familiar Protection Pages for Smaug and Eriana.
  • Sex Magick Pages.
  • Handfast Page w/ blood ritual.
  • Tea Recipes page.
  • Incense pages.
  • Calming spell.
  • Organization spell.
  • Motivational page.
  • Calling the Corners.
  • Candle Magic.
  • Tarot information pages w/pocket for tarot spreads.
  • Wheel of the Year page.
  • Sabbaths pages (Starting with Imbolc and ending with Yule).
These are my current ideas but they will change and expand as I continue working. I'm not artsy, and typically I don't ever feel like I'm good at something (hobby-wise) but for me, this has been something I've been pouring my heart into as I slowly work and research.

Got a grimoire? Book of Shadows? Book of Intentions? Want to share it? Feel free to comment below!

As always, blessed be with love and light;
~ The Nerdy Witch.

Thursday, April 13, 2017


Hello all!

I just wanted to post to let you all know I am still around. I had to have thyroid surgery last Thursday (04/06) and I was (and still am) recovering for about a week. Luckily, everything went well and my recovery has honestly been the worst part of it all due to not being able to sleep comfortably or really do much in terms of eating.

But, the posts will continue starting Sunday, May 7th.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

A Spell to Help Someone Flower - How to Help Someone Find Their Potential.

Everyone has potential, but not all of us are comfortable reaching it. Sometimes situations stop us, sometimes it’s other people, and sometimes, it’s yourself. If you can’t see the potential that you hold, how can you let it shine through? This spell can be used on either you or someone else, to help them reach their potential, to “flower”. Wait and watch this spell blossom! 
What you’ll need: 
  • Rose water
  • Dried Jasmine Blossom (preferred, but not required! Pre-packaged tea works just fine!)
  • Honey
  • Taglock 
  • Dirt
  • Seeds (optional)
Take your rosewater and bring it to a boil. Put your jasmine in a cup and pour the rose water over it– If you have a blossom, you can watch “bloom” with the water as the tea brews. Take this time to put your intent into the mixture. Imagine your target becoming all that they can be, overcoming the odds and pushing through like a sprout in the spring. Visualize their abilities/desired trait growing, up and up and up, until finally a blossom peeks out at the top. Then, as you add in the honey and stir clockwise, feel the flower bloom. The honey is used to attract good things to your target, like bees to your new flower. 
As a final step, solidify the association between the spell and your target by pouring some (if not all) over your taglock. Your taglock should then be buried (not necessarily outside if you don’t want– putting it in a container is fine! The dirt is the important part.) This is you ‘planting’ the spell. If you want to put seeds in and watch it literally grow, go for it! Sometimes a little real-world action helps solidify intent, especially in the long run. Just make sure to take good care of your plant! 
If the spell is for yourself, feel free to drink any of the mixture that you’ve not poured over the taglock. 

Monday, March 27, 2017

Incense Meanings - A Small Composite List.

African Violet Burned for protection and to promote spirituality within the home.
Amber Love Comfort, happiness and healing.
Ambergris Dreams, aphrodisiac
Angelica Protection, harmony, integration, insight, understanding, stability and meditation.
Anise Emotional balance.
Apple Blossom Happiness, love and friendship.
Basil For concentration, assertiveness, decisiveness, trust, integrity, enthusiasm, mental clarity, cheerfulness, confidence, courage to attract fidelity, love, good luck, sympathy, and wealth.
Bay To facilitate the psychic powers, and to induce prophetic dream visions.
Bayberry Protection, prosperity, happiness, control and to attract money.
Benzoin Astral projection, purification, clears negative energy, emotional balance, eases sadness, depression, weariness, grief, anger and anxiety.
Bergamot For money, prosperity, uplifting of spirits, joy, protection, concentration, alertness, confidence, balance, strength, courage, motivation and assertiveness
Blue Berry To keep unwanted influences away from your home and property.
Cardamom Mental clarity, concentration, confidence, courage, enthusiasm and motivation.
Carnation Protection, strength, healing, love and lust, traditionally used for healing.
Cedar Burned for purification, to stimulate or strengthen the psychic powers, attract love, prevent nightmares, healing, purification, protection, money, balance, grounding, clarity, insight and wisdom.
Chamomile Harmony, peace, calm, spiritual, and inner peace.
Cherry To attract and stimulate love.
Cinnamon Stimulation, wealth, prosperity, business success, strength, lust, healing, to attract money, stimulate and strengthen the psychic powers and to aid in healing. To gain wealth and success.
Citron Burned in rituals to aid healing and also to strengthen psychic powers.
Citronella Cleansing, warding off, healing.
Clove Pain relief, intellectual stimulation, business success, wealth, prosperity, divination, exorcism, protection, eases fears, improves memory and focus.
Coconut Burn for protection and purification.
Copal For love, purification, uplifting spirits, protection, spirituality, and to attract love.
Cypress Strength, comfort, healing, eases anxiety and stress, self-assurance, confidence, physical vitality, willpower and concentration.
Damiana Burned to facilitate psychic visions.
Dittany of Crete Astral projection and divination.
Dragon’s Blood Protection, purification, courage, dispel negativity, attract love, enhance psychic awareness.
Elecampane Burned to strengthen the clairvoyant powers and scrying abilities.
Eucalyptus Healing, purification and protection.
Frankincense Spirituality, astral strength, protection, consecration courage, dispel negativity, aid to meditation, induce psychic visions and attract good luck.
Gardenia Peace, love and healing.
Ginger Wealth, lust and love.
Hibiscus Divination, love and lust to attract love.
Honeysuckle Money, happiness, friendship, healing, for good health, luck, and psychic power.
Hyacinth Happiness and protection.
Jasmine Love, money, dreams, purification, wisdom, skills, astral projection, to attract love and money, for luck in general, especially in matters relating to love.
Juniper Calming, protection, healing, to increase psychic powers and to break the curses and hexes cast by evil.
Lavender Cleansing, healing, love, happiness, relaxation, to induce rest and sleep, and to attract love.
Lemon Healing, love and purification.
Lemongrass Mental clarity.
Lilac Soothing, increase psychic powers and to attract harmony into one’s life.
Lotus Elevates mood, protection, spirituality, healing, meditation for inner peace and outer harmony, to aid in meditation and open the mind’s eye.
Mace To stimulate or increase psychic powers.
Mint To increase sexual desire and attract money.
Musk Aphrodisiac, prosperity, courage, creates a sensual atmosphere. For courage and vitality, or to heighten sensual passion.
Myrrh Spirituality, meditation, healing and consecration. An ancient incense for protection, healing, purification and spirituality.
Nutmeg Burned to aid meditation, stimulate or increase the psychic powers and attract prosperity.
Oak-moss To attract money.
Orange Divination, love, luck, money.
Patchouli Money, growth, love, mastery, sensuality to attract money and love, and also to promote fertility.
Passionflower For peace of mind, this sweet scent will soothe troubles and aid in sleep.
Peppermint Energy, mental stimulant, healing.
Pine Grounding, strength, cleansing, healing and to attract money.
Poppy Seeds Burned to promote female fertility, and to attract love, good luck, and money.
Rose Love, house blessing, fertility, healing to increase courage, induce prophetic dreams, and attract love to return calm energies to the home.
Rose Courage and protection.
Rosemary Remembrance, memory, energy, healing to purify, aid in healing, prevent nightmares, preserve youthfulness, dispel depression.
Rue Burned to help restore health.
Sage Wisdom, Clarity and purification.
Sandalwood Spirituality, healing, protection, astral projection to heal and protect, also for purification.
Strawberry Love, luck and friendship.
Sweet Pea Friendship, love and courage.
Tangerine A solar aroma used to attract prosperity.
Vanilla Lust, mental flexability, stimulate amorous appetites and enhance memory.
Vetivert Money, peace and love.
Violet Wisdom, luck, love, protection and healing.
Yarrow For courage.
Ylang-Ylang For love, harmony and euphoria.